1937 BSA M22 Sports. Twin port head w. upswept exhaust pipes

Classic-Bikes 105 Aufrufe ID: 72006
Preis V.B.

Veröffentlicht am 16/12/2024


Telefon/Telephone 0045 5363 8956
Adresse des Verkäufers/Address of Seller*, Emailadresse Kopenhagen, Danemark


A lovely BSA M22 Sports fitted with the optional two port head with upswept exhausts. This was possible to order at cost. The oiltank is slightly different for this reason being of the cut away type to clear the exhaust pipe on the right hand side.
The M22 Sports is an older restoration in good and presentable condition. The speedo reads 8563 km and I find it very credible that this is the distance the BSA has covered since restoration.
The engine sounds very strong and smooth. The exhaust note from the twin, upswept pipes is magnificent.
Gears select freely, everything on the bike feels tight.
The original and characteristic 1930s BSA levers are still on the bike (hard to find if missing), as is the original Smiths speedo in Kilometres, Lucas Amp meter, light switch and panel light.
The BSA M22 Sports was last Mot’ed in December 2023 and is registered on current EU registration documents. A copy of the original, old registration documents come with the BSA.
Please get in touch for more info, photos and a video of the bike running.

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