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Valencia, Europa
Ducai Mono Gear Oil Pump 125 160 175 200 250 4 Speed
Ölpumpenrad, Welle und Zähne in gutem Zustand. Ducati 4-Gang-Motoren 125, 160, 175, 200, 250, TS, Sport, Elite, Deluxe, Diana usw. 25 € + Versand. Internationaler Versand.
25.00 Euro €
Vor 3 Wochen Ersatzteile Gebraucht Verkaufen 80 Personen haben es gesehen
25.00 Euro €
25.00 Euro €
Valencia, Europa
Ducati Single Pistón Ducati 175 New, Old Stock, Tarabusi
Ducati 175 Kolben Neu, Altbestand, Tarabusi. 62,97 mm. Der Bolzen hat Rost, es sind keine Sicherungsringe vorhanden. Sehen Sie sich die Fotos an. 100 € + Versand.
100.00 Euro €
Vor 4 Wochen Ersatzteile Neu Verkaufen 39 Personen haben es gesehen
100.00 Euro €
100.00 Euro €
Valencia, Europa
Ducati Single 350 450 Kupplung. Scrambler, Mark 3
Primärzahnrad Kupplung und Kurbelwellenzahnrad. Guter Zustand. Ducati Single 350 450 Scrambler, Mark3, Road, Vento, Forza. Z=57/27. Die Lager sind alt, sie müssen gewechselt fehlt ein Lager Gebraucht. 65 € + Versand.
65.00 Euro €
vor 1 Monat Ersatzteile Gebraucht Verkaufen 116 Personen haben es gesehen
65.00 Euro €
65.00 Euro €
Reserviert Valencia, Europa
Ducati Bevel Single Chain Guard Cubrecadena Ducati 125 160 175 200 250
Ducati narrow case chain guard, good condition, no dents or breaks. Ducati 125 160 175 200 250, TS, Sport, elite, etc. Used. 35€+shipping. International shipping.
35.00 Euro €
vor 1 Monat Ersatzteile Gebraucht Verkaufen 71 Personen haben es gesehen
35.00 Euro €
35.00 Euro €
Valencia, Europa
Ducati Bevel Single Fuel Tank Depósito Ducati 125 160 175 200
Ducati 125 160 175 200 tank in good condition, no dents or breaks visible, the interior looks in good condition. Ducati single narrow case. Used. 55€+shipping. International shipping.
55.00 Euro €
vor 1 Monat Ersatzteile Gebraucht Verkaufen 75 Personen haben es gesehen
55.00 Euro €
55.00 Euro €
Valencia, Europa
Ducati 24 Horas 250 Mototrans License Plate Holder And Taillight Coconut
License plate support and original taillight coconut for Ducati 24 Horas 250 Mototrans. As seen in the photos, the pilot is empty. Ducati 24 Horas 250 Mototrans. Used. 150+shipping. International shipping.
150.00 Euro €
vor 1 Monat Ersatzteile Gebraucht Verkaufen 84 Personen haben es gesehen
150.00 Euro €
150.00 Euro €
Valencia, Europa
Ducati 24 Horas 250 Tool Boxes Tool Boxes
Pair of original Ducati 24 Horas Mototrans side boxes or tool boxes with removable doors, without hinge. As seen in the photos, the box on the right side needs to be repaired, the rest is in good original condition, without modifications. Ducati 24 Horas 250 Tool Boxes. Used. 300€+shipping. International shipping.
300.00 Euro €
vor 1 Monat Ersatzteile Gebraucht Verkaufen 72 Personen haben es gesehen
300.00 Euro €
300.00 Euro €
Valencia, Europa
Ducati 24 Horas 250 Original Carter
Pair of empty Ducati 250 "24 Horas" Mototrans Carters, narrow Carter, MD97822, the numbering is original, only about 1500 units were manufactured. Good condition, see detailed photos. Ducati 250 24 Horas. Used. 500€+shipping. International shipping.
500.00 Euro €
vor 1 Monat Ersatzteile Gebraucht Verkaufen 87 Personen haben es gesehen
500.00 Euro €
500.00 Euro €
Valencia, Europa
Ducati Bevel Single Tapa Registro Embrague 125 160 175 200 250 350 450
Ducati Clutch Registration Cover, good condition, needs polishing. Ducati 125 160 175 200 250 350 450, TS, Sport, elite, Deluxe, Mark 3, Mach 1, Road, Scrambler.... Used. 15€+shipping. International shipping.
15.00 Euro €
vor 1 Monat Ersatzteile Gebraucht Verkaufen 83 Personen haben es gesehen
15.00 Euro €
15.00 Euro €
Valencia, Europa
Ducati Bevel Single left side engine cover, clutch, Ducati wide case 250 350 450
Left side engine cover, clutch side, Ducati 250, 350, 450, wide case. Good condition, there is only a small break on the inside, where a screw is passing, which can be seen in the photo. Ducati wide case 250 350 450, Scrambler, Mark3, Vento, Road 350. Used. 60+shipping. International shipping.
60.00 Euro €
vor 1 Monat Ersatzteile Gebraucht Verkaufen 75 Personen haben es gesehen
60.00 Euro €
60.00 Euro €
Valencia, Europa
Ducati Bevel Single Tool Boxes 125 160 175 200 250 350 450 Mark 3 Match 1
Pair of Ducati side boxes or tool boxes. In good condition, nothing broken, nothing modified. They were sandblasted years ago, that's why they have surface rust, the metal is strong, there is no rust or rot. Ducati 125 160 175 200 250 350 450, TS, Sport, elite, Mark 3, Match1, Tool Boxes. Used. 100€+shipping. International shipping.
100.00 Euro €
vor 1 Monat Ersatzteile Gebraucht Verkaufen 100 Personen haben es gesehen
100.00 Euro €
100.00 Euro €
Valencia, Europa
Ducati Bevel Single Connecting Rod NEW Ducati 175 200. Also 250 Mototrans
NEW Ducati 175 200 connecting rod. Also 250 Mototrans. Narrow case. New, Comes from "old stock". Check measurements in the photo. 175€+shipping. International shipping.
175.00 Euro €
vor 1 Monat Ersatzteile Neu Verkaufen 97 Personen haben es gesehen
175.00 Euro €
175.00 Euro €
Valencia, Europa
Ducati Bevel Single Coco Faro Ducati 24 Horas, Road, 250
Coco Faro Ducati 24 Horas, Road, 250. Empty, chrome plated in good condition. It was chromed years ago and not used. Used. 50€+shipping. International shipping.
50.00 Euro €
vor 1 Monat Ersatzteile Gebraucht Verkaufen 79 Personen haben es gesehen
50.00 Euro €
50.00 Euro €
Valencia, Europa
Ducati Bevel Single 250 Cylinder Head. Culata Ducati 250 Deluxe Mototrans
Ducati 250 Deluxe Mototrans cylinder head, good condition, all the threads are the original size and the screws are tightened until the end, also the exhaust and oil passage. Only THE THREAD OF THE SPARK PLUG IS SHOCKED, although a helicoil should be installed. Fins in good condition, only one has a small damage, can be seen in the photos. Includes springs a...
75.00 Euro €
vor 1 Monat Ersatzteile Gebraucht Verkaufen 92 Personen haben es gesehen
75.00 Euro €
75.00 Euro €
Valencia, Europa
Ducati Bevel Single Rear Shoe Carrier 160mm Ducati 125 160 175 200 250 350
Ducati 160mm Rear Shoe Rack, good condition, I have disassembled it to review, the shoe lining remains 3mm thick, grooved in good condition. Polishing is missing. Ducati 125 160 175 200 250 350, TS, Sport, Elite, Deluxe, Mark 3, Road, Scrambler. Used. International shipping.
35.00 Euro €
vor 1 Monat Ersatzteile Gebraucht Verkaufen 78 Personen haben es gesehen
35.00 Euro €
35.00 Euro €
Valencia, Europa
Ducati Bevel Single Toma De Admisión Ducati 125
Ducati Bevel Single Intake Ducati 125. Used. International shipping.
20.00 Euro €
vor 1 Monat Ersatzteile Gebraucht Verkaufen 53 Personen haben es gesehen
20.00 Euro €
20.00 Euro €
Valencia, Europa
Ducati Bevel Single Cylinder Head Screws 175 200 250
Set of 4 cylinder head bolts or studs for Ducati 175, 200, TS, Sport, Elite. Narrow wallet. It has 4 washers, although they are different sizes. Used. International shipping.
15.00 Euro €
vor 1 Monat Ersatzteile Gebraucht Verkaufen 65 Personen haben es gesehen
15.00 Euro €
15.00 Euro €
Valencia, Europa
Ducati Bevel Single Camshaft Cover 250 Tapa Culata Árbol De Levas Scrambler
Camshaft bearing cover for Ducati 250 Scrambler, Mark3, Diana, Deluxe, 24 Hours. It has a mark on the right side, see the photos, it needs polishing. The bearing is old, you have to put it new. Ducati single mono, single cylinder. Used. International shipping.
45.00 Euro €
vor 1 Monat Ersatzteile Gebraucht Verkaufen 55 Personen haben es gesehen
45.00 Euro €
45.00 Euro €
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