Galerie -

Galerie > Classic-Motorrad - User Galerie > pat40norton
Racing Triton in Manx - style
Triumph motor in featherbed frame with Manx lookalike tank and seat.

Racing Triton in Manx - style

Triumph motor in featherbed frame with Manx lookalike tank and seat.

DSCF2104.JPG A65 racing side car (1) - Zolder HGp´84~0.jpg Triton 650 ( nl  Adrie De Ridder )  -  Zolder HGP ´85.jpg Triton_racer_in_Manx_look_-_Zolder_HGP__84.jpg A65 racing side car (2) - Zolder HGp´84.jpg A65 racing side car (3) - Zolder HGp´84.jpg Mono 500  A3R racer Zolder ´88 HGP.jpg