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Galerie > Motorradsport > Moto Classic Trophy 2007
Ducati 125 4cyl - 1962
Diese Ducati rarität war zu sehen bei der Moto Classic Trophy in Zolder (B) 2007.  Ein reihen 4cyl und kein mono oder V-twin wie man von Ducati normalerweise sehen würde. Es sah aber aus ob der motor brandneu war und noch nie gelaufen hätte. 
This rare Ducati was seen at the Moto Classic Trophy in Zolder 2007. Not that usual for Ducati, a 4 cyl in line and not a V-twin or a single like we see most of the time. It looked like the engine was brand new and had never run before.

Ducati 125 4cyl - 1962

Diese Ducati rarität war zu sehen bei der Moto Classic Trophy in Zolder (B) 2007. Ein reihen 4cyl und kein mono oder V-twin wie man von Ducati normalerweise sehen würde. Es sah aber aus ob der motor brandneu war und noch nie gelaufen hätte.
This rare Ducati was seen at the Moto Classic Trophy in Zolder 2007. Not that usual for Ducati, a 4 cyl in line and not a V-twin or a single like we see most of the time. It looked like the engine was brand new and had never run before.

101-mz250.jpg gespanne-deubel-31-web.jpg enders-engelhardt-plakat.jpg RIMG0219.JPG Taveri.jpg linto.jpg Hartog.jpg

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Kalle   [%04. %914 %2007 00000004 %22:%April]
This Ducati isn't rae at all, it's just fake, nothin' but fake! Have a look at the Ducati museum in Borgo Panigale in order to see how the original looks like! In German: Grauenhaftes Geschwür, totale Mogelpackung!
pat40   [%05. %880 %2007 00000004 %22:%April]
Tja , Kalle ich dachte mir schon das da etwas nicht stimmte, Der motor sah mir ein bischen zu eigenartig aus. Wenn das so weiter geht dann stehen demnachst alle klasiker in museen und fahren auf die rennstrecken nur noch fakes rum.
Nol   [%09. %449 %2007 00000004 %11:%April]
I do not agree with pat40. This bike has been rebuilt according to original building instructions. Although it is not the real thing I think it is a very nice piece of work
pat40norton   [%09. %694 %2007 00000004 %17:%April]
The thing is, that for me, the engine looked to new for a 1962 race bike. It was like it came directly t from the race shop of the factory. Therefore i wrote that this was strange to me ; a race bike without any traces of being raced since 1962 Ausruf .
Aukje   [%11. %894 %2007 00000004 %22:%April]
Mooi gemaakt hoor Pap en hij loopt

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