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Galerie > Motorradsport > Bikers’ Classics 2007
Yamaha RD05A 1968 replica
Ferry Brouwer just finished the immaculate Yamaha RD05A 1968 replica bike the day before the departure, it even ran already in the garage, but there was no time to have it running on the track yet.

Yamaha RD05A 1968 replica

Ferry Brouwer just finished the immaculate Yamaha RD05A 1968 replica bike the day before the departure, it even ran already in the garage, but there was no time to have it running on the track yet.

RIMG0080.JPG auch eiene wankel kann auf die rennstrecke.JPG Spencer-Pommesbude.jpg Yamaha-RR08A-1.jpg stadtp-hh-2007-shimada.jpg zwei-experten.jpg m21-Karl--Christian-Raabe.jpg