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Yamaha XS 650 - 1969
Eigenbau renner von Picard Bernd in cafe racer style. Gesehen beim ADAC oldtimer festival auf den Nürburgring  in 2006.
Nice Yamaha selfmade racer in cafe racer style from Picard Bernd that took part in the ADAC oldtimer festival on the Nürburgring in 2006.

Yamaha XS 650 - 1969

Eigenbau renner von Picard Bernd in cafe racer style. Gesehen beim ADAC oldtimer festival auf den Nürburgring in 2006.
Nice Yamaha selfmade racer in cafe racer style from Picard Bernd that took part in the ADAC oldtimer festival on the Nürburgring in 2006.

fifties Simson double knocker racer (1) - JWP ´90.jpg Norton_manx_500_Theo_Louwes_1969.JPG Theo_Bakker_Michael_Kuijer_Honda_CB_750_Eemshaven_2008.JPG Yamaha_XS_650__1969_-_Picard_Bernd_,_Wüppertal___1.jpg 7_Ducatiday_2008.jpg DSCF3442.JPG zp05_12.JPG